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Road of Hope

Bazaar of Solidarity

Even without the snow, the Dutch winter is still going on this February. To keep our community of newcomers warm, we held the second edition of the Solidarity Bazaar, which took place on February 13.

Since its first edition, the Bazaar, organized by Road of Hope in partnership with Coa (Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers), SWSL (Stichting Samenwonen-Samenleven), and Hulp in de Buurt, was designed to give priority to the residents of Boat Galaxy and other members of the AZCs community, as well as our neighbours in New West. Clothes, toys and other accessories were donated to the dozens of people who passed through Ru Paré from 10:00 to 15:00 on Tuesday.

Thank you for not keeping your tight jacket or that extra scarf you didn’t really use, forgotten in the closet and decided to pass them on to those who need them most. Donating items is among the best ways to help others!