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Road of Hope

Syrian Cooking Workshop Brings People Together Through Flavor and Culture

In collaboration with Credo Café (Stichting Credo), Road of Hope hosted an inspiring and heartwarming event—the Syrische Kookworkshop (Syrian Cooking Workshop). The gathering, which happened on October 25, attracted around 70 participants from diverse backgrounds, families, and children, all united by a shared love for food and community. Together, they learned the art of Syrian cuisine before enjoying a lively outdoor dinner to celebrate their culinary efforts.

The highlight of the evening was the unexpected warmth of the October weather, allowing everyone to enjoy a beautiful dinner outside. Laughter, conversation, and delicious aromas filled the air as participants connected over shared dishes. “It was amazing to see Syrians, Iranians, Dutch, Moroccans, Americans, Czech, Germans and Brazilians, despite their backgrounds, cooking together, laughing, and learning with one another. Everything was done so beautifully, and everyone enjoyed their time together and the food,” said the project coordinator, Gabriela Pignatto, reflecting on the event’s success.

This cooking workshop is one of the many events that Bridge of Hope organizes in Amsterdam-Noord to strengthen connections within the community. The evening was an inspiring reminder of how food can bridge cultures, creating moments of shared joy and unity.

Upcoming Event: Together for Connection (sold out!)
A cultural event featuring live music, authentic Iranian food, and good company. It will happen in November 1st at Ru Paré from 15:30 to 19:00