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Road of Hope

First ‘Samen voor Verbinding’ Community Dinner Draws Over 75 Attendees

On November 1, 2024, Road of Hope hosted the inaugural “Samen voor Verbinding” dinner in partnership with the COA (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) and the social enterprise SWSL (Stichting Samenwonen-Samenleven) at Ru Paré. This new community event aims to connect asylum seekers living on the MS Galaxy Boat with local residents in a welcoming environment, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds to share experiences, stories, and culture. The dinner is planned as a monthly gathering, with each event featuring a different cultural theme.

Traditional Iranian dish “Zereshk Polo” was made by the volunteers of MS Galaxy Boat.

With Iranians leading the kitchen and preparing Persian dishes for the evening, a team of volunteers worked behind the scenes to create an authentic experience for the 75 attendees, who came together not only to enjoy a meal but to engage in meaningful conversations. “The atmosphere was very pleasant, and the food was great. The Iranian volunteer team worked hard in the kitchen, and we had a spectacular dinner. It was a special evening.”, said one of the participants.

Photo 1: Representatives of Road of Hope, SWSL, and COA celebrating the event.
Photo 2: Ice-breaking questions for the participants.

Part of the evening’s program included questions designed to help people discover more about each other. These questions fostered conversation and encouraged attendees to share their perspectives and experiences. The approach helped break down barriers, creating a sense of openness in the room. One volunteer shared, “We could see people talking and connecting. There was also a time for participants to connect through questions, and people were very active in this process.”
To gain a deeper understanding of Iranian culture, a short video showcased the vibrant dance, exquisite art, and rich culinary traditions of a country that was once the heart of ancient Persia.

Photo 1: A short documentary showcasing the richness of Iranian culture.
Photo 2: The Director of Road of Hope, Patricia Barendregt, addresses the participants.

In her opening remarks, the director of Road of Hope, Patricia Barendregt, spoke to the importance of building community across differences: “Many times it is very easy in our life to build our own groups and stay isolated, and not know each other. That was our purpose—to bring unity between different groups and nationalities. Though we all have different backgrounds, we have the same goal: to live in peace, to know each other, have harmony. This dinner was an expression of that purpose.”

The first “Samen voor Verbinding” community dinner was more than just a shared meal; it was a milestone in building bridges between cultures and communities. While the date for the next event is yet to be announced, the expectation is already growing for another inspiring evening, featuring new cultures and further strengthening the bonds that have begun to form. It’s an open invitation to continue the journey of unity and celebration of diversity. Stay tuned!