Throughout 2021, we closely and regularly train and mentor our group leaders. By October 2021 we have trained and hired two refugee women to become Intercultural Facilitators as a positive addition to our project. The work of Road of Hope is based on the principle of bridging the gap between refugees and the Dutch community.
For Adriane Vieira, project coordinator, “when working in an intercultural environment, it is necessary that we understand the perspectives and needs of the participants. It is essential to speak their language, know their culture and customs, which can be a challenge”.
Berta and Semhar, the two new Road of Hope new facilitators, are from two of the largest communities Road of Hope serves today: Syrians and Eritreans. The intercultural facilitators are more than just translators, they act as a bridge between the project and their culture and also work together with the group leader to make home visits and online contacts.